June 2020 TOM

My experience of living with schizophrenia during lockdown

My experience of living with schizophrenia during lockdown

“They tell us we are not able to achieve much or do much; we make them think we withhold too many barriers. I completely rebuke it. I can still get up to as much as everyone else. It's challenging, but it's stigma that limits us!”

'Don't suffer in silence': Charlotte man with coronavirus says COVID-19 carries stigma

'Don't suffer in silence': Charlotte man with coronavirus says COVID-19 carries stigma

“Don’t be afraid to talk about it. Don’t be afraid to seek help and don’t listen to people who guilt you and make you feel like you brought it on yourself.”

A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide

A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide

Social isolation during the pandemic is increasing, which can lead to an increase in substance use. Stigma around COVID-19 is also impacting treatment and care. "What we need to do now is reach out more than ever to those who are struggling … so that they are not alone and forgotten during this dual crisis of coronavirus and addiction.”

Coronavirus victims tell their stories to dispel fear, stigma. Experts warn that some minority patients are being blamed for getting sick.

Coronavirus victims tell their stories to dispel fear, stigma. Experts warn that some minority patients are being blamed for getting sick.

“[If patients] feel responsible that they got COVID-19 through some fault of their own, then that’s when you start that cloud of people feeling shameful about it. And that can snowball into a place of stigma.”

‘No one wants to be tested:’ Social stigmas are crippling coronavirus containment

‘No one wants to be tested:’ Social stigmas are crippling coronavirus containment

People are stigmatized for many reasons, and it is common for people to experience double or triple stigmas. Many of the same stigmas that are barriers to people seeking mental health and substance use treatment are now impeding testing for COVID-19. It's the same story many of us have experienced, in a new setting.

Coronavirus erases stigma of mental-health care

Coronavirus erases stigma of mental-health care

As more people navigate the stresses of life during COVID-19, mental health is a new priority for many who hadn't previously given it much thought. That increased need for help, and the willingness and encouragement to seek it, is helping to lessen the existing stigmas associated with mental health.

Could COVID-19 Finally Destigmatize Mental Illness?

A psychiatry professor writes about how “the COVID-19 pandemic is a sort of equalizer,” because, “to some degree, everyone is experiencing what life with anxiety is like.” With more people needing help, “The coronavirus crisis has made clear just how inextricable mental health is from physical health.”