
Alternatives to Calling the Police for Domestic Violence Survivors

Alternatives to Calling the Police for Domestic Violence Survivors

“Currently, the only widely funded education programs targeting perpetrators of domestic violence are so-called “batterer intervention programs.” These programs are typically overseen by county probation departments, and men attend because they’re required to by court order.

The forced nature of the programs and the association with the legal system mean that men who attend feel stigmatized, Philpart said. There is little evidence that these programs work to change men’s behavior or keep victims safe, and it’s been shown that many men fail to complete the program because there is so little accountability.”

Bisexual men more prone to eating disorders than gay or straight men, study finds

Bisexual men more prone to eating disorders than gay or straight men, study finds

“LGBTQ people experience stigma and discrimination, and stressors can definitely lead to disordered eating," Nagata said. "For bi men, they're not just facing stigma from the straight community but from the gay community, as well."

Men battle multiple stigmas when it comes to eating disorders

Men battle multiple stigmas when it comes to eating disorders

“Men and boys battling eating disorders often go under and un-diagnosed, and according to experts, that's due in part because of a double stigma men can face when it comes to getting treatment. First, men face stigma for having a disorder that's typically associated with women and can be described as feminine, and secondly because of the idea that "real men" don't talk about their emotions.”

A Group Of Indigenous Men Are Biking To Promote Mental Health

A Group Of Indigenous Men Are Biking To Promote Mental Health

“Bell-Holter has dedicated his life to promoting mental wellness and youth mentorship. That's why he’s now leading a group of men on a cycling trip through Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico with the goal of breaking the silence surrounding the cycle and stigma of mental health for men of color. They've started Break the (BI)Cycle to open the conversation.”