Talking about depression can be hard for Asian Americans, but services can help

This piece explores suicide and depression in the Asian American population, identifying suicide “as the ninth leading cause of death among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the 10th leading cause of all deaths in the U.S.”

Exploring The Link Between Racism, Trauma and Mental Health

Shardé Smith studies the role of race-related stress and trauma in families and the strategies that people use to cope. In this interview with Illinois Public Media, she discusses how cultural norms and stigma associated with having a mental illness influence outcomes for African-Americans.

Kevin Hines: I Jumped Off the Golden Gate Bridge

Kevin Hines: I Jumped Off the Golden Gate Bridge

Kevin Hines is using his personal story to fight distorted perceptions around suicide and spread awareness of prevention. Check out his film, Suicide: The Ripple Effect at or share your story about how suicide has affected your life on their Facebook page, If you're contemplating suicide, please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.

Media Resources from the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Find best practice recommendations for covering suicide in the press, explanation of common terms used when talking about suicide prevention, as well as Lifeline logos, brochures, and materials that can help you raise awareness online.

National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide

“Studies have shown that both news reports and fictional accounts of suicide in movies and television can lead to increases in suicide. In contrast, when depictions are done responsibly, the media can help to encourage help seeking, dispel myths, and reinforce hope – and ultimately save lives.”

CDC: Suicide rising across the US, More than a mental health concern

The CDC identifies suicide as a leading cause of death in the United States, with “suicide rates increas[ing] in nearly every state from 1999 through 2016.” Click the title to access the complete CDC report with statistics on suicide in the United States, factors that contribute to suicide, the 12 warning signs of suicide and suggestions for working as a community to prevent it.

“Shame Festers in Dark Places”: Keeping Suicide Secret

“I understand, but I wish that more families would be open about suicide. I say this not only for the public at large, which would benefit from knowing the full truth about suicide. Not only for others who lost a loved one to suicide and who are further stigmatized when suicide is considered so shameful that it must not be named. Not only for those who have attempted or seriously considered suicide, and who are hurt by the notion that what they did is shameful. I say this also for the family itself.”

Study: Cops, Firefighters More Likely to Die by Suicide Than in Line of Duty

The Ruderman Family Foundation conducted a nationwide study that resulted in the troubling conclusion that first responders are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. ““The white paper also goes on to lay out several barriers that prevent first responders from accessing necessary mental health services to help them cope with trauma.”