
Blacksburg addressing mental health in the Asian American community with new resource

Blacksburg addressing mental health in the Asian American community with new resource

She said cultural differences like the model minority myth create burdens of stigmatization for the community.

“It says well, you are supposed to be successful, then you are not supposed to find help, right?” she said. “And you’re stigmatized if you do.”

Early care leads to better mental health for transgender youths, study finds

Early care leads to better mental health for transgender youths, study finds

“A 2019 report from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law found a connection between experiences of discrimination, including in medical care, and suicidality for transgender adults, with participants who had experienced discrimination being twice as likely to have attempted suicide compared to those who had not experienced discrimination.”

Rural mental health challenges and hope for the future

Rural mental health challenges and hope for the future

“Sometimes it’s easier for a caller to say, ‘I need someone to look at my books,’ than admit they are struggling with anxiety or depression,” Downes says. “Our trained counselors often find underlying issues to address. We may work with families for years, but in an emergency, of course, we do our best to get help to them immediately.”

Turn It Upside Down: An Anti-Racist Model for Diagnostic Care of African Americans

Turn It Upside Down: An Anti-Racist Model for Diagnostic Care of African Americans

As the world copes with a global pandemic, a historical pandemic has also been illuminated: the racism pandemic. We are becoming increasingly aware of the biases inherent in the structures that frame our society, and the need to enact change is urgent. If we accept the premise that existing systems are racist, we need to turn them upside down to achieve non-racist outcomes

How to Repair and Rebuild Your Relationship When Your Loved One Enters Rehab

How to Repair and Rebuild Your Relationship When Your Loved One Enters Rehab

Stigma and fear can make communicating with loved ones about their substance use disorder hard to navigate. This article from the Gottman Institute provides a helpful introductory guide to repairing relationships after rehab. Note: #DistortedPerceptions does not choose to use the term “addict;” however, we recognize and honor that others may have differing opinions.

Maintaining A Healthy Relationship

Maintaining A Healthy Relationship

NAMI provides concrete advice on how to maintain healthy relationships with family members who are experiencing behavioral health crises. Stigma feeds on isolation, silence, and assumptions.  Learn how to help those you love by improving communication, expanding your personal support system, and examining your own preconceived ideas about mental health challenges.