
Rural Resilience: Mental Health Care Providers Face Challenging Times Along With Their Patients

Rural Resilience: Mental Health Care Providers Face Challenging Times Along With Their Patients

Of all of the barriers to accessing mental health care in rural communities, telehealth has helped two in a major way: travel times and stigma….

This has been an enormous change for members of the agriculture community, who according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention commit suicide at a higher rate than any other profession.

Turn It Upside Down: An Anti-Racist Model for Diagnostic Care of African Americans

Turn It Upside Down: An Anti-Racist Model for Diagnostic Care of African Americans

As the world copes with a global pandemic, a historical pandemic has also been illuminated: the racism pandemic. We are becoming increasingly aware of the biases inherent in the structures that frame our society, and the need to enact change is urgent. If we accept the premise that existing systems are racist, we need to turn them upside down to achieve non-racist outcomes

Why Is Black History Month Important to Psychiatry?

Why Is Black History Month Important to Psychiatry?

“Racism is pervasive. Its negative impact exists in many forms. The field of psychiatry has not been exempt from this unfortunate truth, past or present. Such truth is of great concern as psychiatry represents a group of professionals whose primary purpose is to assess, diagnose, and treat serious persistent mental illness.”

How does racism contribute to Distorted Perceptions in psychiatry?

For Health Workers Struggling With Addiction, Why Are Treatment Options Limited?

For Health Workers Struggling With Addiction, Why Are Treatment Options Limited?

What happens when stigma impacts work policies? NPR investigates the challenges and barriers for healthcare workers seeking substance use treatment.

Ending stigma, saving lives: Yale doctors take on opioid addiction

Ending stigma, saving lives: Yale doctors take on opioid addiction

Doctors from Yale University discuss the effectiveness and stigma surrounding medication assisted treatment. The article also documents the chair of Yale’s Department of Emergency Medicine’s efforts to combat stigma in her work.

Words Matter: Stigmatizing Language in Medical Records May Affect the Care a Patient Receives

Words Matter: Stigmatizing Language in Medical Records May Affect the Care a Patient Receives

A Johns Hopkins study found that stigmatizing language in medical records can follow a patient throughout their lifetime, even when changing health care providers. This groundbreaking study provides insight on how to repair stigma in our medical systems moving forward.

Too Often Doctors Stigmatize People Living with Mental Illness

Too Often Doctors Stigmatize People Living with Mental Illness

A Columbia University graduate student reflects on the ways in which a mental health diagnosis has led to stigmatizing interactions with healthcare providers. She discusses how this is a larger problem nationally and the importance of reducing medical bias.

Stigma Affects Everyone, Even Doctors

Stigma Affects Everyone, Even Doctors

According to a study by the American Psychiatric Association,

“Every year, 300-400 physicians die by suicide in the U.S. This statistic should make us all arc an eyebrow, considering physicians are there to save lives, not take their own.”

NAMI explains how stigma plays a role in the suicide rates of doctors and how important it is for medical professionals to speak out when they are struggling.

Challenging the Stigma of Counselors with Mental Illness

Challenging the Stigma of Counselors with Mental Illness

Many people are attracted to the mental health field as a result of their own mental health challenges.  Despite this, there is still a significant stigma for counselors to talk openly about their mental health struggles. Anna Lente provides insight into why having a history of mental illness makes her a better counselor and encourages others like her to share their experiences.

Healthcare Worker’s Feelings About People With Substance Use Disorders

Healthcare Worker’s Feelings About People With Substance Use Disorders

Reviewing the data on attitudes of health personnel toward individuals with substance use disorders, this article illuminates not only the stigmatizing beliefs but also the impact they have on health care. This review also extends to the double stigma of substance use and a mental health diagnosis.